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Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States, in the 1970s. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States, in the 1970s. NLP’s creators claim there is a connection between neurological processes (neuro-), language (linguistic) and behavioral patterns learned through experience (programming), and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life. NLP methodology can “model” the skills of exceptional people, allowing anyone to acquire those skills.

N- Neuro:

The mind and how we think. Our nervous system, the mental pathways of our five senses. A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system. Neurons are similar to other cells in the human body in a number of ways, but there is one key difference between neurons and other cells. Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the body. So Neurons play a very vital role in our body.

L- Linguistic:

How we use language and how it (specific words and phrases) mirror our mental world and affect us. Linguistics also refer to our ‘silent language’ i.e. our non-verbal behavior like our postures, gestures, beliefs and habits that reveal our thinking style.

P- Programming

How we sequence our actions to achieve our goals. It suggests that our thoughts, feelings and actions are simply habitual programs that can be changed by upgrading our ‘mental software’ (programming is borrowed from computer science)

If you are looking for the below then NLP is for you:

Anything under the sun can be achieved through NLP. We only need to apply the strategy.